Monday, November 28, 2016


     The choices you make in the moment can impact yours or anybody else future in a huge way. We see this in everyday life, one persons choice of wanting to use their cell phone can cause another person to be severely injured or killed in some cases. One expirence that i had with making a descion that messed up in the future was the descion to argue with my sister and keep on going when my mom told me to stop, this caused me to get phone taken away and to be grounded for a couple weeks. It was all because i was in the heat of the moment and didn't think about the consequences in the future. One example from "A sound of Thunder" was Eckels choice to get off the path and accidentally step on the butterfly. This was what caused the election of the president to change in the future and what actually led to Eckels death. There are many examples from the story "on Slef Reliance" but i chose a quote that says "Nothing can you bring you peace but yourself". This quote is great example of making a descion that will affect your future because you pretty much hold your future in future in your hands and you make great descions to affect your future or you can make bad descions that will affect you in a negative way.

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