Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Career Festival

The career festival was a great expirience. I went to different career booths, and learned about different routes to take after high school. There is many options in the future and I was able to get some information about them.
The debate between Hillary Clinton and Domald Trump to has caused the people of the U.S to worry about the status of the country. Both of these candidates have a history of not being the best people, and neither of them seem to be trust worthy. As the

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Letter to Mentor

Dear mentor,
I have many thoughts about if the president was really in on the attack of 9/11? I am confused on who to ask and where to find to find answers. Since you are my mentor I need assistance on where to find answers to my big question.

Monday, October 3, 2016

voacabulary #5

  1. venomous - full of malice or spite.(She replied with a venomous glance.) 
  2. stolid - calm, dependable, and ahowing little emotion or animation. (The man was stolid at the park.)
  3. hypnotized - capture the whole attention of someone; fascinate. (Hypnotized by the rain, Eric stated across the street.)
  4. suspended - temporarily percent from continuing or being in force of effect. (Work on the dam was suspended.) 
  5. transformed - make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, transmute. (Lasers have transformed cardiac surgery.)
  6. accuse - claim that someone has done something wrong. (He was accused of favoritism.) 
  7. anticipate - regard as probable; expect or predict. (She anticipated scorn on her return to the theater.) 
  8. fringe - decorate clothing or material with a fringe. (A rich robe of gold, fringed with black velvet.) 
  9. melancholy - a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. (An air if melancholy surrounded him.)
  10. earnestly - fervent, intent, purposeful, determined, industrious. (The boy was an earnest student.) 
  11. dissolve - close down or dismiss. (The country's president can dissolve parliament under certain circumstances.)
  12. aggravate - make worse or more serious. (Military action would only aggravate the situation.)
  13. illuminate - light up. (A flash of lightning illuminated the house.) 
  14. capillary - a tube that has an internal diameter or hairlike thinness. 
  15. proboscis - the nose of a mammal, especially when it is long and mobile, such as the trunk of an elephant it the snout if a tapir.