Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Vocabulary #3

1. coherent - able to speak clearly and logically.
2.belabor - argue or elaborate in excessive manner.
3.eschew - deliberately avoiding using.
4.acquisitive - tending or seeking to acquire and own, after greedily. 
5.emulate - to try to equal or excel. 
6.banal - devoid of freshness or originality. 
7.excoriation - the act of excoriating. 
8.congeal - to change from a soft it fluid state to a rugid or solid state, as by cooking or freezing. 
9.carping - characterized by fussy or petulant fault finding.
10.substantiate - to establish by proof or competent evidence. 
11.temporize - to avoid making a decision . 
12.largesse - generous bestowed of gifts. 
13.tenable - capable of being held, maintained, or defended, as against attack or dispute. 
14.insatiable - not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased. 
15.reconnaissance - the act if reconnoitering.
16.germane - closely or significantly related. 
17.ramify - to divide into branches or branch like parts; extend into subdivisions. 
18.intransigent - refusing to agree or compromise. 
19.taciturn - inclined to silence; reserved in speech. 

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